
Activities & Fitness

Sonnentau activities at a glance

Our hotel provides various possibilities to be active. Choose whether you like a quite meditation or rather a sportive fitness class. We cater for every taste and preference. 

Monday until Friday we offer different activities such as aqua gymnastics, Qi Gong, hiking, Life Balance, Yoga, Nordic-Walking, Make-Up tips …

Most of the activities take place as of two (four) persons signed. External guests are welcome for value likewise.

Please sign in on time. Tel.: +49 9778 91220

Aqua Gymnastics

Every week we offer a 30 minutes aqua gymnastics session. Moving, stretching and strengthening are in the focus, however you also train your endurance.


Body, Mind & Soul

Fitness Room & Work Out

Modern fitness room with cardio area and weights

Bring yourself in action, strengthen your muscles! At the fitness room you will find high-class cardio and weight equipment within great ambiance.

Here you enjoy sweating !

Also external guests have the possibility to work out at the fitness room for value. Our opening hours: 08.00 am till 9.30 pm (last entrance: 08.00 pm)


Nordic-Walking is adapted for everyone, everywhere and anytime, doable with fun and happiness !

In Fladungen the ‘Balance-Nordic-Walking-Park’ invites you to be active and vital. More information about the trails you will receive at the front desk or the tourist information Fladungen.

Qi Gong

As part of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Qi Gong represents the active way of the attempt of health and healing.
Qi Gong stands provides fitness for body, mind and soul on a daily base. 

Qi Gong ...

  • strengthens the back and releases tensions in shoulder, neck and head
  • activates the power of self-healing of your body
  • enhances the power of life and happiness in life
  • is for everyone, regardless of whether thin or fat, young or old
  • achieves with minimal time investment maximal success.

Destination Rhön

Hiking - Biking – Mountainbiking – Downhill – Cross-Country Skiing – Skating – Gliding – Paraglyding

The destination Rhön appeals to activity seeker, who are looking for a sports-minded compensation during their holidays. Experience more about the outdoor-activites of the Rhön. 

The homepage Rhönführer provides profound information about the topics of hiking, biking, mountainbiking, cross-country skiing and several other activities.